Approx. starting date
Activity description

September 2012
Conference to launch the project (the press release, drafting and sending invitations, holding the conference)
September 2012
Information Session- dissemination activity
Project launch school level
 October 2012
Workshop: Adapting the scholarship plan to the needs of the direct and indirect beneficiary of education and  to the professional training  (parents, students, businesses)
November 2012
Working meeting - training school partnership network for the transfer of best practices on specific issues of quality assurance
November 2012
Workshop: Creating a database and tools for the transfer of best practices
December 2012
Dissemination of best practices on quality management in schools, in the event "Romania Your Chances National Festival 2012" with the participation of schools in networks formed within the project
February 2013
Round table on "Quality improvement in the practical training”, with the participation  of the networks formed of schools in the project
March 2013
Euroregional communication session on „Steps to a quality education”, with partners and networks formed within the schools project
March 2013
Demonstration on the application of modern teaching and learning strategies, with partners and networks formed within the schools project
April 2013
Roundtable: Valuing partnerships with local community in supporting the prevent of school dropout,  with the participation of schools networks formed in project.
May 2013
Work-shop: Develop tools for monitoring the insertion of graduates
May 2013
Open gates day: activities for school publicity
June 2013
Roundtable: “Practice at businesses and the transition from school to active life” with the participation of schools the networks formed within the project
July 2013
The intermediary conference to presentation of partial results of the project
July 2013
Job Shop for graduates of partner schools
August 2013
Meeting with advisers trainers on quality assurance issues from Timis county for preparation for external assessment visits in the provisional authorization and accreditation with the participation of schools networks formed within the project.
August 2013
Workshop: Creating a toolset to improve  involvement of parents in school activities occurred.
September 2013
Workshop of inter-former for the component designi in local curriculum development.
October 2013
Workshop for development of analysis tools of regional training needs and educational products portfolio of VET schools (parents, students, economic entities, educational factors)
October 2013
Demonstrative activities about the application of modern teaching and learning strategies, with the participation of the network school formed within the project.
November 2013
Roundtable: The dissemination  of the activities that took place, the achieve of a portfolio with results and post them on the partners sites.
December 2013
Working meeting between VET schools and local community representatives to develop the partnership plan.
January 2014
Workshop: Making a set of indicators and data to optimize decision-making process at ISJ
February 2014
Workshop to develop monitoring and internal evaluation tools of quality.
March 2014
Workshop with participation of ISJ, CLDPS and the partner school to assess the impact of the use of new tools to improve the quality of educational services through IPT.
March 2014
Euroregional communication session with the theme „Steps to a quality education”, with the participation of the school and partners networks formed within the project.
April 2014
Workshop: Develop a best practices guide with results in ensuring quality education in  both of the two region involved in the project.
May 2014
Open gates day: activities for school publicity.
May 2014
Workshop: Develop a guide of good practices with results in ensuring quality education in both of the two region involved in the project.
June 2014
The final Conference